Monday, August 11, 2008

In Today' S Society, Credit Cards Are Considered To Be A Luxury

In today's society, credit cards are considered to be a luxury. While some credit cards come with very strict guidelines, there are still a lot of companies that are willing to give college students and even high school students credit cards in order to help them build their credit up.

Since you never have to worry about having cash on hand to make a purchase, credit cards are very convenient. Although student credit cards come with certain limitations and restrictions, for the most part they can be used similar to more traditional cards. The co- signer must sign off on the credit card. Many banks and companies which offer student credit cards require the student to have a co- signer as their form of collateral or insurance. If for whatever reason the student cannot make his or her payments. Normally, a guardian or parent is the co- signer. It would then fall on the co- signer to make the payments.

They give the credit card companies piece of mind, that even if the student does not follow through with paying for debt, the co- signer will. This helps to reduce the risk the bank or company takes by issuing a credit card to a student. Student credit cards often come with a higher interest rate or APR. Often times, the spending limit is considerably less than more traditional credit cards. Even with the low spending limit, these types of credit cards still allow students to establish credit. They average spending limit is between$ 250- $80The reason for this is that most students have not established any type of credit, therefore they will not have a good credit rating.

When a student is planning on making a large purchase, he or she can greatly benefit from a student credit card. This is where a student credit card comes into play. In order to make a large purchase, you generally need good credit. You can use the credit card to establish good credit and as a stepping stone to building credit in general. Another great benefit to student credit cards, are they give the students a sense of responsibility. By achieving a high credit rating using your credit card, when the time comes that you need a larger loan, changes are you will have a much easier time obtaining one. Even though the spending limit is considerably less, they work like most other credit cards.

These types of credit cards are an excellent opportunity for the students to learn money skills that will last them a lifetime. After the student has mastered using the credit card, they can then manage their overall money better. With all of the great benefits of student credit cards, they can still be dangerous, just like more traditional credit cards. If the student racks up more credit card debt than they are able to pay, this will have a negative affect on their credit rating. Students can still fall into the pitfall of overspending. If the debt falls on the co- signer, it could then affect their credit rating as well. Overall, student credit cards are a great thing to have.

Therefore, it is essential that students all have a budget in place before using any credit card. For college students and high school students, such cards are a great way to learn responsibility, as well as the sense of freedom. If your daughter or son is in school, you may want to consider a student credit card. They can be useful during an emergency, which could be reason enough to obtain one. They can not only help establish their credit, they can teach them many life lessons.

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